11-20-23, 12:59 PM
Watts Up With That?
DLR Curiosities
Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach.
November 20, 2023
The CERES dataset continues to yield new insights. My joy is to graph different relationships and then see what I can learn and find out from the graph.
Inter a lot of alia, the CERES dataset allows us to calculate the amount of the very poorly named “greenhouse radiation”. This is the downwelling longwave (thermal) radiation from the atmosphere. It’s commonly called “DLR”, which stands for downwelling longwave radiation.
The hits keep coming that shows CO2 is a negligible player in the heat budget.
DLR Curiosities
Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach.
November 20, 2023
The CERES dataset continues to yield new insights. My joy is to graph different relationships and then see what I can learn and find out from the graph.
Inter a lot of alia, the CERES dataset allows us to calculate the amount of the very poorly named “greenhouse radiation”. This is the downwelling longwave (thermal) radiation from the atmosphere. It’s commonly called “DLR”, which stands for downwelling longwave radiation.
The hits keep coming that shows CO2 is a negligible player in the heat budget.